TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN This is to certify that MAIT has implemented the following scheme Announced by the Government of India: Scholarship Scheme Ministry of Minority Affairs Department of empowerment of persons with disability Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Ministry of Labour and Employment Ministry of Tribal affairs Department of Social Education and Literacy Department of Higher Education WARB, Ministry of Home Affairs RPF/RPSF, Ministry of Railways Northern Eastern Council (NEC), Do NER Prime Minister’s Special Scholarship Scheme – PMSSS Other Schemes Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna (PMKVY) AICTE-Faculty Development Programme (FDP) AICTE- National Initiative for Technical Teachers Training (AICTE - NITTT) AICTE Lilavati Award Smart India Hackathon AICTE-INAE TRAVEL GRANT SCHEME Received grant for Organizing Conference Modernization And Removal Of Obsolescence (MODROBS) Collaborative Research Scheme (CRS) UNDER TEQIP Atal Ranking Of Institutions On Innovation Achievements (ARIIA) (Prof. Neelam Sharma) Director