Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology Dated: 08.03.2024 NOTICE REGISTRATION CHART FOR END-TERM EXAMINATIONS MAY/JUNE-2024 Registration Charts (RC) for all the students of 2nd, 4th , 6th and 8th semester appearing in regular and reappear subjects during End-Term Practical and Theory Examinations to be held in MAY/JUNE-2024 will only be available till MARCH 13, 2024. The following steps are to be followed for signing of the registration chart by the students. Regular student who have no back paper/s in any of the even Semester is not required to do anything, the institute/department will take care of the same. Passed out /Reappear/Year Back/Student having back paper/s in any of the even Semester has to pay a reappear fees @ Rs. 1200/- per paper for a student per Semester. The reappear fees only be paid through NEFT/IMPS using the below mentioned details OR by depositing CASH (in Accounts Deptt.). Such students may kindly verify about the amount to be paid as reappear fees from the Reappear details uploaded on the MAIT website. After submitting the required reappear fees, the concerned student will send the proof of the payment made, to their respective Coordinator/Group Counselor through Whatsapp or e-mail then only the Coordinator/Group counselor will confirm/approves his or her candidature. After completion of the reappear data file, the respective Coordinator/Group Counselor will submit the same to their respective Head of the department. BANK ACCOUNT DETAILS FOR NEFT/IMPS Account Holder Name: Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology Account No: 394502010059875 ; Bank Name: Union Bank of India IFSC Code:UBIN0560421 ; Address: Plot no 1 Rohini Sec 22 New Delhi -86 All the HODs are requested to submit the soft copy of the Reappear data file complete in all respect to the Dean, MAIT (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) after cross-verification, latest by MARCH 14 (AN), 2024. Prof. Neelam Sharma Director