Article Index Regarding filling up of the Vacant Seats in B. Tech 2nd Year/3rd Sem. of B.Tech. Prog. through Lateral Entry for the Academic Session 2021-22 during SPOT ROUND Online Counselling of GGSIPU हिंदी संस्करण All Pages Page 1 of 2Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology November 26, 2021 NOTICE (REVISED) Regarding filling up of the Vacant Seats in B. Tech 2nd Year/3rd Semester of B.Tech. Programme through Lateral Entry for the Academic Session 2021-22 during SPOT ROUND Online Counselling of GGSIP University It is also for information to all the stake holders that as shown in the table below, following seats are being offered to the candidates in 2nd Year/3rd Semester of B.Tech Programme for the Academic Session 2021-22 during the Spot Round of Counselling under Lateral Entry scheme for Diploma holders (Code-128). The candidates who are interested in taking admission in one of the most reputed Institutes under GGSIP University are directed to apply for online registration of GGSIP University for Spot Round of Counselling (Last date for online registration is November 29, 2021). S.No. Name of the Course No. of Seats remained Vacant in 2nd year during the academic session 2020-21 due to Withdrawal/Cancellation which are to be filled during spot round ofcounseling for B.Tech-Lateral Entry No. of Vacant Seats remained after Sliding round due to Withdrawal/Cancellation (2021-22) 1 LE-B.Tech (MAE) 84 2 2 LE-B.Tech (ME) 4 0 3 LE-B.Tech (EEE) 23 1 4 LE-B.Tech (IT) 1 0 5 LE-B.Tech (CST) 1 0 6 LE-B.Tech (CSE-1st Shift) 4 0 7 LE-B.Tech (CSE-2nd Shift) 2 0 TOTAL 119 3 Click the link below for the Notice regarding online registration of GGSIP University for Spot Round of Counselling (Link: The candidates are advised to visit the GGSIPU website & regularly for Notifications/further updation. The Candidates who have already admitted in any of the Institutes can also participate in SPOT ROUND for Online Counselling for taking admission in any of the above mentioned courses at MAIT as applicable. The fees submitted in the admitted Institute will be refunded as per the GGSIPU policy. For information regarding financial assistance provided by NCT of Delhi Government, GGSIP University and other agencies contact Jt. Registrar in Registrar Office of the Institute. Candidates can meet personally in the Director/Dean office, for any queries, if any, in respect of the above. Director Next