MAHARAJA AGRASEN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY July 25, 2020 MAIT/Misc./2020 NOTICE Subject: Regarding starting of classes for Academic Session 2020-2021 This is for information of all that classes of MBA 2nd year , B.Tech 2nd , 3rd and 4th year will commence in online mode with effect from August 20, 2020.This is in Compliance with the Notice of Director Academic Affairs GGSIPU dated July 24,2020. The Time Table for Students, Faculty and Lab Staff is available in the respective departments. We are using Licensed Microsoft Teams software for conduction of Online classes and with the help of Central Technical Team of MAIT a number of training modules have been conducted. Faculty facing difficulty in Software related matters may consult the Departmental Technical Team. Students facing difficulty in attending online classes may consult their mentors. Prof. Neelam Sharma Director MAIT GGSIPU Notice regarding starting of classess for Academic Session 2020-21