Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology





Regarding Financial support for EDP activities, Directorate of Higher Education, Govt. of NCT


Directorate of Higher Education has been implementing the scheme 'Entrepreneurship Development Programme'.  Proposals are invited from students of university studying at USS and its affiliated colleges for the execution of the scheme for the year 2021-22. Following points may please be noted.

  1. A grant of value INR 5000 per year/student will be available to students of the institutes.
  2. Students can use the grant in the following manners:
    1. To participate in workshops, hackathon and events that have themes aligned with entrepreneurship, attend talks by entrepreneurs and investor meetups across India, visit start-ups and organize events related to the entrepreneurship development.
    2. To pay the fee for educational programs related to Entrepreneurship Development, including online, from reputed organizations e.g. Udemi, Coursera and other government/ non-government organizations.
    3. To invest in a student venture floated by a certain student team.
    4. Per student grant may be pooled at the discretion of the Institute.
    5. Disbursement of funds will be done on the basis of a short description of the proposed usage of funds by a student (or a team of students).
    6. The proposals are to be submitted (on or before 25/ 9/ 2021) via the link
    7. Students are strongly encouraged to apply for the same. They are advised to discuss any issue regarding criteria of evaluation and submission procedure with K. C. Tripathi, Associate Prof., IT Dept.


Prof. (Dr.) Neelam Sharma




Copy of the scheme document as provided by the GGSIPU.