Academic Audit Proforma for Academic Session 2024-25 ANNEXURE: 1. Annexure-B (b) Programme-wise list of faculty2. Annexure-B (c)-(i)-Odd Sem Programme-wise Class-wise Time Table3. Annexure-B (c)-(ii)-Even Sem Programme-wise Class-wise Time Table4. Annexure-1 (b)-Status of Accreditation NBA5. Annexure-2(b) List of Faculty6. Annexure-3(a) No. of teachers with Ph. D. (awarded)7. Annexure-3(b to d) Detail of Publications8.1 Annexure-3(c-i) No. of publications in conferences in the assessment year Indexed by WoS SCOPUS-248.2 Annexure-3(c-ii) No. of publications in conferences in the assessment year With ISBN Number8.3 Annexure-3(c-iii) No. of publications in conferences in the assessment year (any other)8.4 Annexure-3(c-iv) No. of Patents Published or Granted9. Annexure-3(d) No. of Books Authored or Edited Books10. Annexure-3(g) Courses Teaching plan11. Annexure-3(f) Learning Management System12. Annexure-3-(i) Classrooms available and ICT facilities13. Annexure-4 (a) Documentary evidence of awards14. Annexure-4 (b) Documentary evidence of mechanism for grant of study leave15. Annexure-4 (c) Documentary evidence of grant of funds16. Annexure-4 (d-e) Individual computing facilities + Internet facilities17. Annexure-5(a-g) Students' Grievance Redressal Mechanism18. Annexure-6(a)-(b) Percentage of faculty participation in university examination19. Annexure-7 (a-b) Status of Library20. Annexure 8-(a)-Status of Laboratories other than Computer Labs21. Annexure 8-(b)-Status of Computer Labs22. Annexure 9 (a) Conferences Organized23. Annexure 9 (b-f) Seminars Organized, FDP, Workshop, Short Term Value Added Programmes24. Annexure-10 (a)-Publication of Journal25. Annexure-10 (b) Publication of Newsletters and Magazines26. Annexure 11 (a) Activities like mock interview, role play, group discussions, quizzes, workshops, competitions, etc27. Annexure-11(b) Personality Development Labs etc28. Annexure-11(c) Sports facilities in the Institutions29. Annexure-12 (a) Status of Placement-B.Tech30.1. Annexure-12 (b) Status of Placement-MBA30.2. Annexure-12(c) EDC31. Annexure 13 (i)-(v) General Parameters about the Institution32.1 Annexure 14(a)(i)-Faculty Feedback32.2 Annexure 14(a)(ii)-Employers Feedback33. Annexure 14(b)(i)-Students Feedback34. Annexure 14(b)(ii)-Alumni Feedback35. Annexure-15 Removal or Completions of Identified Deficiencies