Article Index LE-B.TECH, MBA & BBA-Schedule for Document Verification, Counselling regarding etc for MQ admission 2024-25 Important Points to be Noted: Candidates shall bring the following documents in Original along with two self-attested copies for verification/deposition in the Institute on the Day of Physical Counselling/Allotment of seats under Management Quota Seat Matrix for Admissions in LE-B. Tech., BBA & MBA First year Under Management Quota 2024-25 AFFIDAVIT/UNDERTAKING All Pages Page 1 of 5MAHARAJA AGRASEN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Counselling Schedule for Admission under Management Quota 2024-2025 Candidates who have registered for admission under Management Quota Seats for LE-B.Tech., BBA and MBA (1st Year) program shall report for document verification/counselling/admission as per the details given below: Tentative Schedule of Counselling/Admission: S.No. Schedule Date & Time 1 **Counselling Participation Fees of Rs. 1000/- (non- refundable) to be paid through Online Portal as per the details mentioned below: Click the link to login using your previous registered E-mail Id and Password created at the time of registration. Click if registered online: MAIT online portal Click if registered offline: MAIT offline portal 31.07.2024 (8:00 PM) to 01.08.2024 (11:50 PM) 2 A. Physical Verification of entitlement documents to claim benefit of Reserved Categories (SC/ST/DEF /PH) of both Delhi and Outside Delhi Region as per GGSIPU Norms from the list of the students applied for MAIT either through online portal of the Institute or Offline after downloading and submitting the Application form in the Institute. B. Physical Verification of entitlement documents to claim admission of Un-Reserved Category of Delhi and Outside Delhi Region from the list of the students applied for MAIT either through online portal of the Institute or Offline after downloading and submitting the Application form in the Institute. 02.08.2024 For LE-B.TECH, BBA & MBA (Adhere to the Timing Schedule as mentioned below): i) All Reserved Category- From 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM ii) Un-Reserved Category of Delhi & Outside Delhi Region- From 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM 3 Display of the merit-wise list of the eligible students applied for MAIT either through online portal of the Institute or Offline after downloading & submitting the Application form in the Institute and attended the Physical Verification of Documents on August 2, 2024 03.08.2024 (On or before 11:50 PM) 4 1st Round of Counselling (Entry Time: 10:00-11:00 AM) 04.08.2024-For LE-B.TECH & MBA 05.08.2024-For BBA 5 Display of vacant seats (if any) 04.08.2024- LE-B.TECH & MBA (On or before 11:50 PM) 05.08.2024-BBA (On or before 11:50 PM) 6 2nd Round of Counselling, if required (Entry Time: 10:00-11:00 AM) 05.08.2024- For LE-B.TECH & MBA 06.08.2024-For BBA The Candidates will assemble in Maharaja Agrasen Auditorium (For S.No. 2, 4 & 6) *For further updates/notifications, kindly keep on visiting the Institute website ** For ratification of any problem/discrepancy, feel free to contact in person to Incharge (Admissions) of the Institute from 10 AM-12 N only on August 1, 2024. Next