

22nd - 24th June 2021

Inauguration of ‘Grand Finale of Toycathon-2021’


Toycathon 2021 is one of the biggest hackathon for developing toys based on Indian Ethos. Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology is proud of hosting the digital version as the nodal center for 12 teams across India.

The hackathon is going to be conducted in online mode from 22-24 June 2021. The participating teams will design various toys for different age groups.

During the Institute level inauguration, Director MAIT – Prof Neelam Sharma encouraged the participating teams and briefed about the Institute achievements and how hackathons help the innovative young minds to showcase and improve their skills. NC SPOC Prof Namita Gupta introduced the organising team members and explained the evaluation process to the participating teams. Local inauguration was followed by National inauguration who was Broadcasted live on YouTube by MHRD Innovation Cell.


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