Article Index B.TECH. - Schedule for Document Verification, Counselling regarding etc for MQ Admission 2024-25 Important Points to be Noted: Candidates shall bring the following documents in Original along with two self-attested copies for verification/deposition in the Institute on the Day of Physical Counselling/Allotment of seats under Management Quota Seat Matrix for Admissions in B. Tech. First year Under Management Quota 2024-25 AFFIDAVIT/UNDERTAKING All Pages Page 5 of 5 (On Stamp Paper of Rs.10/-) AFFIDAVIT/UNDERTAKING I, _______________________________________________S/o, D/o Shri_________________________________________ R/o_________________________________________________________________________________________________ having IPU Application No.______________________________JEE Mains Rank___________________________________ do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:- That I have neither taken admission in any of the Institute affiliated to GGSIP University nor in University Schools through online counselling or Under Management Quota in B.Tech. Program in the Academic Session 2024-25. DEPONENT Verification: Verified at Delhi on this…… of …........…………….., 2024 that the contents of the above Affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief no part of it is false and nothing material has been concealed there from. DEPONENT Prev