MAHARAJA AGRASEN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 04.11.2022 ADMISSIONS TO B.TECH PROGRAM (CET Code: 131) FOR THE ACADEMIC SESSION 2022-23 DURING ONLINE SPOT ROUND OF COUNSELLING The below mentioned Seats remained vaccant in the following disciplines in B.Tech. programm as on November 04, 2022 after Sliding round of counselling. The Minimum/Maximum rank as mentioned below for Delhi (Gen) and Outside Delhi (Gen) were allotted after sliding round of counselling in MAIT. BRANCH DELHI (General) OUTSIDE DELHI (General) SEATS LEFT VACANT MIN RANK MAX RANK MIN RANK MAX RANK AI & DS 45937 84983 35473 39055 13 AI & ML 36905 76792 39270 41057 11 CSE-I 18325 53247 17025 30943 39 CSE-II 35043 61953 32706 34417 07 CST 31193 65524 27291 34324 13 ECE 68015 127472 42148 49498 41 EEE 71301 271779 52658 64672 54 IT 48829 87919 28341 38427 33 ITE 46028 89899 36713 40072 14 MAE 158608 356481 62559 80928 22 ME 72062 300576 68742 80323 20 Total 267 All eligible and interested candidates must participate in the Spot Round of Counselling which will be notified by the GGSIP University in due course of time. Candidates, whose names appear on the portal of GGSIP University for admission under the Management Quota, must also participate in the Spot Round of Counselling. All candidates are advised to visit the University website regularly for further notifications. Director